How Artificial Intelligence will rule the world?

4 min readMar 14, 2021

In the 21st century, it is hard to predict the future without Artificial Intelligence. Let us get educated on what the definition of AI says. Artificial Intelligence is a branch of Computer Science that deals with making machines that can do human-like tasks. From creating self-driving cars to creating artificial life, there is a lot to discuss in this article.

Most people imagine I believe that a robot dressed like a human serving them when it comes to Artificial Intelligence. But it is a shallow way of thinking. In fact, we are using AI all in our life. What do you think about Siri or Alexa? Do you think these are just works of magic or some group of people sitting behind it to execute what you do? The answer is an obvious no. The machine is trained in such a way that it can deliver a piece of information to you once you demand. In fact, the machine is continuously learning from its performance to deliver more efficiently in the future. For example, we humans present homework to our teacher. As our teacher gives us feedback, we keep on improving our performance in the future to achieve better marks. Similarly, an AI does that too. Let us dive into some examples that we are using at the moment.

There are countless examples of AI. How come Netflix knows that you are going to watch a particular series? Well, it’s a Netflix AI system constantly keeping an eye on what you watch and then recommend similar series/movies like it. Nowadays you have also noticed websites no longer putting humans to support you when you want customer support. Instead, they have chatbots who will answer your query. Last but not the least, we have Facebook and YouTube’s algorithm which never fails to recommend you the best video. You can see countless comments in a video saying how YouTube’s algorithm brought him/her here. In fact, many people have become celebrities through their videos. The best example is TikTok which has given platforms to millions of creators to show their talent in a 15-second video if I am not factually incorrect.

We were talking about everyday examples. Let us shift to the future AI technologies that we will see. Recently, we are experiencing the rise of Self-Driving cars. We have seen some countries are testing self-driving taxis to even self-driving buses. As crazy as it sounds. Boeing is also planning to build a model of self-piloting jets.

A Boeing Self-Driving Air-Taxi

You might again say these are already known to people. So Sadit please offer us something new. Wait! What if I told you that Scientists have literally created a living bacterium from scratch which is capable of reproducing? Believe me, the DNA of that Bacteria was entirely human-made. Craig Venter and his team created the genome of the Bacteria through computer programming and now proudly believes more synthetic life can be created in the future.

Craig Venter speaks in a TED Talk

We have got another technology called CRISPR that might come to edit the genes of human beings. It might detect gene faults and possibly cure cancer cells so that it does not get passed to future generations.

A Beautiful video illustrating the whole process

On the other hand, an Israeli company called WeCU is building a system that can detect a terrorist in the airport through mind reading. This might sound crazy but not impossible. You might jump off the building if I tell you that not so long ago, we witnessed when an Israeli startup by the name “CorNeat” helped to restore the vision of a 78-year-old man through an artificially made synthetic cornea. Honestly, there are plentiful of AI technologies that I cannot say in a single video.

Watch this news!

As we develop AI, we must realize it can become dangerous too. As AI outperforms humans, it is likely that humans will no longer be needed in the workforce. Already we see a decline in the number of cashiers when we head over to McDonald’s. Also, it will be very expensive to implement AI solutions in the workspace. Inability to do so might shut down businesses. There are some ethical concerns too when it comes to gene editing. This could lead to bioterrorism even. Pandemics could literally occur with just a click. Of course, gene-editing technology will become available after a handful of experiments done on animals before it becomes safer for humans. Parents will desperately try to alter the genes of their children to get their children top-performing. You might call me crazy but let us wait for 50 years to happen. Another concern is the usage of data. All AI’s will require you to hand over your data to give you the best performance. As data becomes widely available, Governments will constantly follow you or in case of a data breach, your personal information will be widely circulated. This could even mean your intimate picture getting uploaded to Porn websites.

Basically, that was my opinion of Artifical Intelligence. I hope that I did not kill a single second of your life and believe I was able to deliver the appropriate information to you. Since I am a student studying Computer Science, I thought sharing such an astonishing part of my subject that will probably dominate in the future. Although there are good sides, yet there are equally bad sides which of course can be eliminated in the long run. If everything goes alright, I will publish a video on the exact same content featuring me in my Facebook and YouTube channel/page.




Sadit Rahman is based in Melbourne, Australia studying Computer Science. Follow him to know facts about science, religion, culture, history etc.